Lorazepam metabolism

Lorazepam metabolism is done by glucuronidation in order to form pharmacologically inactive metabolites that are excreted by the kidneys.

Lorazepam IV is a long-acting benzodiazepine which is more potent sedative and amnesic than midazolam and diazepam. The effects on ventilation, the cardiovascular system, and skeletal muscles resemble those of other benzodiazepines.

The elimination half-time is 10 to 20 hours, with urinary excretion of lorazepam glucuronide accounting for> 80% of the injected dose.

The formation of glucuronide metabolites of lorazepam is not entirely dependent on hepatic microsomal enzymes, and thus lorazepam metabolism is not much influenced by alterations in hepatic function, increasing age, or drugs that inhibit P450 enzymes.


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