Sevoflurane Inhalation anesthetic was synthesized by Baxter Laboratories (1960) but introduced into clinical practice in Japan in 1990, now widely used the world over.
Unlike isoflurane it does not exist as an optical isomer, it does not have an asymmetric atom. It contains only fluorine atoms, so it does not affect the ozone layer in the atmosphere.
Physical properties: Sevoflurane Inhalation anesthetic is colourless, not unpleasant, non- inflammable. The blood pressure is 58.5°C, SVP 160 mm Hg (21.3 kPa) at 20°C, it can be administered in a conventional temperature compensated vaporizer.
Blood/gas coefficient is 0.69, much less than isoflurane and halothane, hence induction and recovery are faster. Sevoflurane Inhalation anesthetic is less soluble in plastic and rubber. MAC in adults is 1.7—2.1 and varies with age, less in neonates and old age.
Uptake and distribution of Seoflurane
Sevoflurane Inhalation anesthetic concentrations in the blood are rapidly achieved because of low blood/gas partition coefficient and recovery is also rapid.
Sevoflurane is primarily excreted through the lung exhalations. It is distributed in the 5-compartment model, namely, the lungs, blood, VRG, muscle and peripheral fat. A small amount of it is excreted through the skin although it is predominantly excreted from the lungs.
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