Anesthetic propofol is a potent intravenous hypnotic agent which is widely used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia.
Propofol is a phenolic (2, 6-diisopropylphenol) derivative that is structurally unrelated to other sedative hypnotic agents. It has been used extensively as an anesthetic propofol agent, particularly in procedures of short duration.
More recently it has been investigated as a sedative in the intensive care unit (ICU) where it produces sedation and hypnosis in a dose-dependent manner.
Awakening is more rapid and complete than that after induction of anesthesia with all other drugs used for rapid IV induction of anesthetic propofol .
Propofol also provides control of stress responses and has anticonvulsant and amnesic properties. Importantly, its pharmacokinetic properties are characterized by a rapid onset and short duration of action.
Propofol is oil at room temperature and insoluble in aqueous solution. Present formulations consist of 1% or 2% (w/v) propofol, 10% soybean oil, 2.25% glycerol, and 1.2% egg phosphatide.
Disodiurn edetate (EDTA) or metabisulfite is added to retard bacterial and fungal growth. Administration of propofol, 1.5 to 2.5 mg/kg as a rapid IV injection, produces unconsciousness within about 30 seconds.
The more rapid return of consciousness with minimal residual central nervous system (CNS) effects is one of the most important advantages of anesthetic propofol .